Mindfulness meditation techniques

Posted by on Nov 25, 2015 in Blog

Learn Mindfulness

Mindfulness equals awareness. In yoga body and breath awareness is the basis of mindfulness. This is the basis of yoga practice, of asana and meditation. Metaphysically greater awareness is the path to greater consciousness.

Mindfulness based holistic techniques

A simple technique to achieve objectivity i.e. a state free of

● thought
● emotion
● physical business

brings about a neutral state, and internal harmony.

How to practice mindfulness: Instruction & Inspiration

In the eBook version of my book Five Keys to Well-beingEssentials of Effective Yoga I state that yoga promotes “every aspect of practice helps develop the whole, and the whole supports development of every aspect, in an endless, uplifting feedback spiral”.

Key Five is Integration, or mindfulness  of yoga particle into lifestyle. These Essentials of Effective Yoga are uncomplicated, yet involves much detail – just like mindfulness practice.The techniques in the book captures the simple, practical mechanics of yoga in a clean, clear and concise guide. Mindfulness meditation tends towards long term development, but at least signs of its potential usually represents straight away when practiced with good posture and effective breath awareness. This is why The Five Keys begin with Posture & Breath, adds mobility and stress release/relaxation and ends with Mindfulness.

Wishing you mindful mindfulness,
Johann Kotze,
Cape Town Music & Yoga


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