OM, Mantra & Mudra Blessings

Posted by on Jul 6, 2017 in Blog

Mantra helps us connect to Source, our origin, and our unlimited essence. We use our breath and vocal chords, i.e. body and breath, to produce the mantra phrases. Sanskrit, the language of mantra, is a vibrational language, apart from the literal meaning each letters and phrases has an embedded “wisdom code vibration”. When we intone these seed sound essences of mantra it activates our “body wisdom”as the sound is made in the body. This helps us know ourselves and the universe in a way that is not possible through intellectual (head-stuff) and dogma (belief systems). Instruction & Podcast Chant Cape Town

A literally alternative reality (compared to the normal box of ordinary perception) appears when a body-mind and spirit being becomes attuned to the consciousness fabric of the whole field of existence. The following program of mantra and associated techniques, when regularly practiced, helps raise vibrational conscious connection to the Universal OM of All That Is. In yoga metaphysics this is cultivating consciousness, to realise greater potency through OM awareness. Please note such omnipotence is a work in progress, a process, facilitated by awareness practices.

How to practice: OM Mantra & Mudra Blessings

Mantra, as with all yoga, is a means to balance excessive emotional and intellectual states, to help activate chakra healing. With such centred and expansive awareness, a connection to inner and universal holistic essence, we can let go of the blocks that prevent surrender to the conscious one-nes of All That is.

Practice the following mantra sound vibrations, in comfortable sitting meditation position, on the floor, or in a chair. You may chant with, or listen without audible participation. Combine freely with appropriate mudra, bandha and pranayama you are familiar with.

One may also simply read the content of the program, in a meditative mindset – sit quietly, click the links, take in the practices over time – listen to, sound and use the program partially, or as complete whole.

ॐ OM

OM in Yoga is The Universal Sound of All That Is. In a universe of consciousness it represents all expressions of the Life Force. OM is the non-duality of Everything. When OM is sounded in the body, in awareness and appreciation of its totality; the Supreme Being, the Godhead, the practitioner becomes one with all form and formlessness, in time and eternity.

3x OM

The OM sound flows beautifully into the Tryambakam Mantra, a classic mantra of devotion, it may be used as an honouring of All That Is, and invoked at the start of a yoga gathering.

ॐ Tryambakam

Om. Tryambakam yajamahe
Sugandhim pushti-vardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanan
Mrityor mukshiya mamritat.

Om Salutation to Lord Shiva, the Three-Eyed One, Who is our Spiritual Essence, that which nourishes all, and helps us be conscious and free from the bondage of limitation, by helping us realize we are never separated from our Immortal Nature, the totality of Om, and the totality of all that exists.

In yoga the bodymind and cosmos is inseparable; it is practiced in the body, with the breath and body as a combined instrument. Mantra serves as a holistic connection of body intelligence to the universe, as it vibrates through the various energetic levels of being, from muscless, bones and organs, blood, meridians and chakras, to connect head and heart, and bridge thought and emotion, and help create harmonious and luminous alignment of Self to Source.

Om. Tryambakam yajamahe
Sugandhim pushti-vardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanan
Mrityor mukshiya mamritat.

Tryambakam is a Mantra of Blessing:
OM Salutations to Shiva, Blessings from Shiva, destroyer of ignorance, regenerator of our light being, in body, mind and spirit:

Om. Tryambakam yajamahe
Sugandhim pushti-vardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanan
Mrityor mukshiya mamritat.

ॐ Sa Ta Na Ma

The sounds of Sa Ta Na Ma mantra represent birth, life, death and rebirth. When these seed syllables are sounded, they resonate deep within the bodymind, to release the meaning they contain. These vibrations awaken the being to an inner understanding of who it really is, inner understanding, to know its true nature as a metaphysical divinity. This mantra helps us release old, limiting patterns, connect to our greater potential, and experience joyful existence.

The practice is performed with the four sounds matching four thumb to finger mudra’s. We start with the thumb to index, and end with the thumb on the little finger.

We’ll learn the sound and finger combinations with a slow round:

Place the thumb on the index finger, the other three fingers straight, inhale a long deep breath, hold the breath, exhale, sounding Sa.
Move thumb to middle finger, inhale a long deep breath, hold the breath, exhale, sounding Ta.
Move thumb to ring finger, inhale a long deep breath, hold the breath, exhale, sounding Na.
Move thumb to little finger, inhale a long deep breath, hold the breath, exhale, sounding Ma.

Now let’s do a set of 5x rounds, faster, rhythmically, one sound per finger, emphasis on the exhale and the sound.

Take a large inhale thought the nose, and exhale a big sigh through the mouth….

Now we’ll do another set of 5x rounds, with a stronger abdominal movement, a light bellows breath to stoke the fire in the belly, the sounds are more a whisper. Inhale deeply, thumb to index finger, and…

Inhale deep through the nose, with a large exhale, sigh through the mouth. Sit quietly, with index finger mudra, in awareness of body, breath, mind and being.

We’ll conclude with 3 OM sounds. Inhale and… OM…

ॐ Chakra Mantra

These seed syllables for each chakra helps us connect to our Divine Essence. We’ll sit in any comfortable seated posture, and start by taking attention the root chakra. We learn the sound, corresponding chakra and element combination with one slow round. Sit, all fingers curling toward the index finger mudra. Make one sound, per breath, and focus on the area and element of the sound.

Lam – 1st, root chakra, earth, groundedness
Vam – 2nd, belly chakra, water, creativity
Ram – 3rd, solar plexus, fire, our place in the world
Yam – 4th, heart, air, love
Ham – 5, throat, space, communication
OM – 6th chakra, all see-ing third eye

Now we can do 5x sets, one breath per set. Each set ends with an OM, with focus on the brow chakra, the third eye, with which to clearly see all life, All That Is.

ॐ 10 Finger Mudra 

Bring the hands to touch at the finger tips, at face level. Eye open, sit quietly, allow the arms and shoulders to settle into a comfortable position. Close the eyes. Sense the connection between the left and right halves of the body, joined at the fingertips. Sense the whole brain, and the entire nervous system.

3x Full trunk ujija breaths. Sit and feel, sense, in awareness, consciousness itself, in the body, and conscious awareness of All That Is.

This is a mudra and breath combination of complete awareness of the whole self. Relax the arms, continue to sit quietly, hands resting on the knees, palms open.

The Gayatri Mantra helps us vibrate with the frequencies love and compassion, and bring the altitudes of gratitude into our lives.

ॐ Gayatri Mantra

Just the first line of the Gayatri Mantra is worth a lifetime of contemplation and practice. It begins with an OM salutation, and the phrase “to All that dwells in the physical realm, conscious mind and omnipresent spirit”. It helps us access connection to such a bodymind state, in meditation, and in life.

Om. Bhu-r bhuvah, svah.
Tat sa-vi-tur va-re n yam.
Bhar-g de-va-sya dhi-ma-hi.
Di-yo yo nah. Pra-co-da-yat.

Now, listen to the translation and interpretation:

“Oh God, the Protector, the basis of all life, Whose contact frees the soul from all troubles, Whose brilliant qualities pervade Everything.
Who purifies and sustains all, the Creator and Energizer of the whole Universe, an Enlightened Perfect One, with focus on You. to be the Purifier of all, so as to direct us on our path of Enlightnement.

Om. Bhu-r bhuvah, svah.
Tat sa-vi-tur va-re n yam.
Bhar-g de-va-sya dhi-ma-hi.
Di-yo yo nah. Pra-co-da-yat.

ॐ Tryambakam / Om Shanti Greeting

Because the Tryambakam Mantra helps us live our lives in a way to bring about higher states of being is a blessing at the start or end of a yoga session, combined with 3x Om Shanti greetings, used as a heartfelt thank you gratitude and “amen”.

Om. Tryambakam yajamahe
Sugandhim pushti-vardhanam
Urvarukamiva bandhanan
Mrityor mukshiya mamritat.

Read more: Use of energy locks and asana is a powerful way to evolve any yoga practice. Learn about integration of Mudra, Bandha and Pranayama as advanced practices into meditation (link following soon).

Mantra Blessings
Cape Town
Johann Kotze
in Music & Yoga.
7 July 2017



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