OM Chakra Mantra Yoga & Meditation Music

Posted by on Oct 17, 2016 in


Original price was: R80.00.Current price is: R50.00.



A yogic sound meditation program with 6 tracks (approximately 60 minutes)

●  OM Yoga Chakra Mantra
●  Chakra Mantra with Sacred Names
●  OM Mantras

A combination of the two playlists in players below.

A Sacred Seed Syllable, in Sanskrit, is toned for each chakra centre. The vibration activates the chakra vortex intersect points in the body, to strengthen and balance it as an interactive bridge between the Universal Life Force, the body and one’s life. Simultaneous breathing, sounding, meditation and concentration on the chakras, and repeated sounding of the OM, purifies and balance the chakra system. When a sufficient state of consciousness is achieved the crown chakra, sahasrara, in alignment with the other chakras, connects to higher self, and is awakened to the cosmic intelligence, in the body, to experience the Bliss of Divine Essence.

You receive an informative Instruction eBook in pdf format with purchase (feature coming soon).

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